Dominion Energy Dividend Yield

About dividend yield ttm for dominion energy the company has a dividend yield of 4 66 compared to the utility electric power industry s yield of 3 39.
Dominion energy dividend yield. Dominion energy d declares 0 94 quarterly dividend. D s most recent quarterly dividend payment was made to shareholders of record on sunday september 20. Dominion energy pays an annual dividend of 3 76 per share with a dividend yield of 4 82. The annualized dividend paid by dominion energy inc is 3 76 share currently paid in quarterly installments and its most recent dividend ex date was on 09 03 2020.
4 8 yield dominion energy d declares 0 94 quarterly dividend. In depth view into dominion energy dividend yield including historical data from 1972 charts stats and industry comps. The company has grown its dividend for the last 1 consecutive years and is increasing its dividend by an average of 9 44 each year.