Does Maple Flooring Darken Over Time

Not being satisfied with this answer myself i began experimenting with alternate methods of creating stained maple floors.
Does maple flooring darken over time. But you didn t get into woodworking so you could vacuum seal your projects in a dark closet. The results have been beautiful. Yellow red oak slightly lighter over time. Hardwood flooring samples are not newly sawn and will look a lot darker than the flooring you order according to the samples.
Cedar sunlight bleaches out unfinished cedar floors and causes them to darken after a finish is applied. Here s an example of a brand new maple office cabinet below next to a drawer from a much older cabinet above. That said many flooring contractors will say they can stain maple and then proceed to do a horrible job. Light in colour european maple turns golden over time.
Wood such as brazilian walnut has a large range of color when freshly cut but over time it will turn medium to dark brown. Everyone should be on the same page about the expectations and what to. It takes coloured stains easily and is popular because of its wide area of application in interior design and furniture. Fresh cut maple is light and bright and then takes on a deep honey color.
Over the past couple of years we have experimented re done mistakes and have been able to produce some very nice stained maple floors that have cherry walnut or dark mahogany colors. It is a challenge for even the most seasoned veteran floor contractor and many floor contractors do not recommend doing it. Staining maple can be done and it can be done very well. Compared with hard maple european maple has a lustre all of its own that gives the room a clean airy feel.
One thing is for sure good communication with your customer is a must. Here s how you can slow prepare for or even use those color changes to your advantage. Secondly a maple floor if properly sanded and conditioned can take a stain and look absolutley stunning picture top left and another stained maple floor below. Using water based sealants and taking precautions against sunlight damage can help minimize this.
Brazilian cherry darken relatively quickly. Over months and years an exposed project will darken lighten or change colors depending on the wood. It will eventually become the color you ordered so you should consider this when choosing a sample. American cherry darkens to a deep red.
Teak turns darker brown. The lightest finish for bird s eye maple one that will contrast nicely with darker woods is colorless avoids the darkening effect you get with most finishes on light woods will not yellow over time and will keep the maple itself from yellowing which occurs when the wood is exposed to air and oxygen.