Dnd The Unexpectables Faces In The Attic

1 background 2 personality 3 relations 3 1 alivast 3 2 the unexpectables 3 3 solly 3 4 willow 3 5 children 4 trivia the silver king is a ruler a far off country called eltmur in the alton region and frequently called the silver king s kingdom.
Dnd the unexpectables faces in the attic. Since he lost most of his power aiding the unexpectables the chains tethering the attic to the ground are slack and the structure is tilted. After the helm s life as siduri ended at the. For whatever reason lys took an interest in the unexpectables and discreetly passed them multiple gifts without leaving a trace. The silver king felled the.
1 background 2 personality 2 1 jozah s fate 3 relationships 3 1 the unexpectables 4 trivia jozah is a wood elf who occupied a seat on the council of alivast as the representative of the almon clergy. Refugees from lebreaus reported a substantial force of cultists aided. Lys is a being of enigma who gives away little information regarding themselves. The structure was further damaged when a white dragon attacked the city.
He is the father of ozzy enrobso though the two seem to be estranged following an. A porcelain crystal that floats over the city. There is a statue of the silver king in the middle arcana district in alivast which was donated by redmond bell. He was of indeterminate age and wore embroidered green wool robes appropriate for his wealth and high station.
1 background 2 beliefs 3 members 3 1 named individuals 4 trivia first encountered when a small group of human cultists with a single guard drake were terrorizing a small farming village they emerged as a rising threat when a substantial force of them aided by a red dragon of substantial power conquered lebreaus village. They resided inside the mysterious floating structure known as the attic. Dnd the unexpectables 30. Dnd the unexpectables 20 the face in the attic duration.
The attic edit edit source floating above the city is a crystalline structure which unknown to the general public housed the divine entity lys. He also wore a matching hat and was seldom seen without a stack of books. An ancient sentient artifact that parasitically controls the body of a humanoid host. It s hard to pocket a baby duration.