Definition Of Scuttle Attic

A covering that closes a scuttle.
Definition of scuttle attic. A small hatch or port in the deck side or bottom of a vessel. A cover for this. A cover for this. A scuttle attic is an attic space accessed only by a small hole in a ceiling or less commonly a wall.
A small opening or hatchway in the deck of a ship large enough to admit a person and with a lid for covering it. A small hole in the side or bottom of a ship fitted with a covering or glazed. To make sure that it isn t just a gaping obvious hole in a ceiling it often has a removable. To abandon or destroy plans rumors etc.
Verb used with object scut tled scut tling. A small opening in a wall or roof furnished with a lid. To sink a vessel deliberately by opening seacocks or making openings in the bottom. Sps 321 07 1 1 attic.
To move quickly with small short steps especially in order to escape. A small hatchlike opening in a roof or ceiling.