Dean Sidings Loco Kits

I can get the hornby 0 6 0 chassis easily but i can t find anywhere that actually sells the kits.
Dean sidings loco kits. The kit represents the barry railway 0 6 4t locos to class l. This loco was produced in many variants our kit is based on the 33 ton version. A kind locomotive builder has supplied a set of imagery of dean sidings resin based kits as available in 2014. I have seen the excellente range of dean sidings kits before and a article in railway modeller this month has inspired me to undertake the n7.
Anyone know a website or shop that sells these brilliant kits. Manufacturers and suppliers of paint solder flux as well as associated kits and bits and pieces for railway military and road transport models. Used in collieries ports and factory sidings around the whole country. The barry class l nearing completion.
Dean sidings spring 2012 catalogue post by mercator ii mon jan 23 2012 12 00 pm got a chassis from a loco drive and will ditch the tender supplied too as i have a donor ready. This body kit is from the small range of 4mm resin body kits available from dean sidings. Others have come from matt wickham. Dean sidings by phoenix precision.
An ideal first kit you will need around 40 60 hours to complete this kit. There are two versions of the kit one for the original domed barry railway version and one depicting the post grouping version after rebuilding by the gwr i built the gwr version. Make offer lner br b17 5 streamlined 4 6 0 loco body kit fits hornby footballer chassis lbscr sr br d3 0 4 4 tank loco 4mm finescale resin body kit brand new 44 95. By locomotive kits updated about 5 years ago.
Now i have seen the advertisement in the magazines but these show only two or three loco. This is the post grouping swindonised version of the kit. Looking forward to seeing the dean sidings kit though i d like more than one but will wait and see how good it is first.