Dead Body Storage Room

A morgue or mortuary in a hospital or elsewhere is used for the storage of human corpses awaiting identification or removal for autopsy or respectful burial cremation or other method.
Dead body storage room. 4 bodies mortuary chamber made by easycool refrigeration www easycool co in. According to a manhattan federal court suit harlem center for nursing and rehabilitation stashed rosa lee richardson s body in a storage room for five days instead of sending to the morgue. At least two patients were reportedly found dead after being left in emergency room corridors sources claimed as they described a constant shortage of staff supplies and space to store bodies. Leak proof container means a container that is puncture resistant and sealed in such a manner as to contain all contents and prevent leakage of fluids during handling storage transport or shipping such as.
Waterproof labels e g paper in sealed plastic with a unique identification number should be used see box 6 1 in chapter 6 identification of dead bodies. A double layered plastic puncture resistant body bag i e two sealed body bags one inside the other. Just about the last thing you want to see as a hospital patient is some dead guy getting hauled off past your room. Dead bodies from natural disasters generally do not cause epidemics.
Witnessing such a sight i can only imagine would have to be unsettling at the least to be reminded we re all just piles of meat with expiration dates when here you are just trying to get your tonsils out. A close up view of a dead body in the morgue in charité. Even then the risk of disease transmission to a trained body handler is low see question 6 6. The risk of disease from dead bodies is real only in cases where the deceased has died of a highly infectious disease or has died in an area where such infectious disease is endemic.
There should been open space outside the cold storage room where the bodies can be brought in to wait for. Part b version 3 3 april 2014 www haad ae page 148 19 0 hospital morgue unit 19 1 introduction 19 1 1 description the hospital morgue unit is a facility for the viewing and or identification of a body and the temporary holding storage of bodies prior to transfer to a mortuary.